Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010

Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 'backs united Lebanon'

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that his country was the first state in the country during a visit to Lebanon, has supported strong and unified.

His remarks on his trip to Lebanon that could threaten the fragile political stability of the'm concerned.

The crowd called for Iran's support for Hezbollah, a group for the most part, on his arrival in Beirut say hello to President Ahmadinejad.

He later addressed the gathering in the area where the 2006 Hezbollah - Israeli conflict, fiscal reconstruction huyiran.

On Thursday, a move likely to anger critics, President Ahmadinejad, Israel, Lebanon and a tour of the village near the southern border tensions.

Lebanon Lebanese soldiers and two journalists, a senior Israeli Army officer died in August at the border conflict.
'Fire, tensions'

Mr. Ahmadinejad's motorcade on Wednesday, the rice and flowers, coming from Beirut airport to the presidential mansion and had a shower.

"We are always on the Lebanese government and its people again. Strong and unified support for the Lebanese," he said, standing next to President Michel Suleiman.

However, any Israeli invasion of Beirut geuneunyiraneun and stands ready to confront.

No mention of Israel, he said, "We certainly, animosities that will help the Lebanese people mostly held by the Zionist regime."

Iran, Hezbollah, whose 1200 war with Israel left Lebanon and 160 Israelis died in the powerful Shiite Muslim group backed up many people are surprised at this visit.

Speaking during a visit to Kosovo, Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State in Washington, "an unstable or nervous excitement" of Lebanon, has refused all efforts.

"We would have visitors or to say anything more cause tension or instability in the country could do nothing to give," he said.

Members of Lebanon's Western backed parliamentary majority, President Ahmadinejad, "Iranian base in the Mediterranean," saying it was trying to transform Lebanon into, is to visit as provocative.

Israel, however, to supply weapons to Hezbollah and Iran accused officials close to stress instead the group's support for the reconstruction of the Islamic Republic.

They aid and reconstruction since 2006, $ 1bn (£ 0.6bn) is suppose to spend the money.
Border Tour

"Ahmadinejad, Lebanon has a lot of work, and we thank him here," said 18-year-old Fatima, a related engineering student said Mazeh.

"He's in Lebanon. All without having to adjust and have a heart you can think for themselves. The most difficult hours, we are here to stand with him."

However, in other countries, groups and international supporters can see some suspected.

"I am disgusted by this visit," the 23-year-old Christian Mona, AFP news agency said. "They are, but as the Savior [Ahmadinejad] to see all he has brought us is the trouble."

Most of the leads of the March 14 Alliance President Suleiman and Prime Minister Saad Hariri after meeting with Iranian leaders in the southern suburbs of Beirut, organized by the Lebanese Shiite Hezbollah, speaking of the huge rally.

Mr. Ahmadinejad a "tyrant of the world" and praised the Lebanese resistance.

Hezbollah's leader, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah - Speaking by video link, people who are not - in Iran, Lebanon, in order to impose their own agenda, he said.

On Thursday, President Ahmadinejad, Bint Jbeil and Qana, 2006 The worst part of the battle scene will be touring the city's borders.

State visit of the former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri assassinated in 2005, the UN comes in contact with over tension.

Members of Hezbollah near the United Nations court, including those of the name, the prosecution is believed to be issued. Mr. Harry Lee, from Hezbollah and Syria are under pressure to denounce the statement on the death of his father.

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