Senin, 11 Januari 2010

Sri Lanka Rebels Free Former Tamil 700

Sri Lanka Saturday to free more than 700 former Tamil Tiger rebels from military custody after they undergo rehabilitation program, said an official.

President Mahinda Rajapakse, who was a visit to Vavuniya town in southern Sri Lanka, handed over the former fighters were in their immediate family, a military official involved in rehabilitation, Major General Resources Ratyanake, explained.

"From about 12,000 Tamil Tiger rebels who undergo vocational programs, we have identified about 800 people who are less involved with the Tamil Tiger movement," he added.

He said 713 of the 800 people who have been identified to be released it has been handed over to their parents Saturday while others will be released soon,

Some of the Tamil Tiger rebels had surrendered to security forces while others were arrested from among nearly 300,000 civilians who have been abandoned-war camp moved to the last stage of burial in a battle last year.

About a third of the former rebels had been trained in brazing job installing water pipes and plumbing, masonry, carpentry and electrician jobs as part of their rehabilitation.

Some ex-fighters have been released in the past to go abroad, to migrate or work, but their number is not known.

Tamil Tigers, who fought for a separate homeland from 1972, was defeated by Sri Lanka army in mid-May when the army killed rebel leader Velupillai Prabbakaran highest.

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