Rabu, 12 Agustus 2009

5 The fact that Noordin M Top Not Dead

Some day we read a lot and watch the news and arrest penggerebekan Terrorists in Temanggung and in Jatiasih, and in some of the many media claims that Nurdin M Top Terrorists are looking for higher-search-have died in penggerebekan it. But I still doubt and I think also many who doubt the Jasad who have died are Noordin M Top. Let us study one at keganjilannya.

1. According to Mr. Ali Kusni (ONE TV journalists) from the first 88 with Densus follow penyergapan, Noordin M TOP always be under guard at least two armed men fire. Vest of explosives that dikabarkan always be Noordin was not found in Temanggung.

2. Inside the house police found no weapons and Bom, when reporters happened proclaim replies shot from Noordin M Top. Try to see penyergapan in Jati Asih, after the shoot Ari Setiawan Eko and Joko sarjono Police directly melihatkan explosive materials, amounting to 500 KG more ready ledak, why in Temanggung Police have not released at all or Weapons in the Bom isukan brought by Noordin M Top?

3. Be that youth who are in the house yelling as Noordin M Top in a while by densus 88 and Noordin M Top cried ask forgiveness when Densus 88 spray the house with a bullet. Whether a characteristic such as Noordin M Top is?

4. Fingerprint Noordin M Top sent from Malaysia did not match the fingerprints of youth who died in the Temanggung it.

5. You still remember penyergapan Dr. Azhari not in Batu Malang, Densus 88 only need two hours to ensure that the terrorist leader Azahari killed in the doctor operating it. Why Temanggung already in 4 days can not also ensure that the slaughter was Noordin M Top.

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